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赌博正规的十大网站(CC)俱乐部体育由娱乐项目监督, within the 体育运动 Department, 并为学生提供了在15种不同运动项目中竞争的能力. Each team is registered with a local, 区域, 或国家联盟,而俱乐部由体育部监督, the day-to-day operations are run by club-nominated student officers. As a recognized Club Sport, these teams are granted the privilege to use the Colorado College name, are afforded a small budget, and can utilize athletic facilities for club events when available. 此外,所有俱乐部参与者都有机会获得全职认证的运动教练. 


赌博正规的十大网站的俱乐部体育项目是一项竞技性的休闲体育项目, 旨在满足现有的校内和校际项目无法满足的运动需求. Each club is unique in its purpose and operation, 但所有这些都应该积极地反映在俱乐部体育项目和赌博正规的十大网站的整体上.

Alongside extramural competition and performance, 俱乐部的体育项目高度强调学生的主动性, 组织, 领导, decision making, and team management. Taken as a whole, 这些项目元素使参与者能够在更大程度上塑造自己的经历,而不是大学里的任何其他体育项目.

Although the structure, 组织, 各项俱乐部运动的执行主要由学生负责, 俱乐部体育计划提供四个主要分支的支持:人力资源, financial resources, athletic training, and dedicated facilities.

Current Offerings


2024-25 Achievements

  • 本·惠勒和索尼娅·古特雷斯获得了在斯洛文尼亚举行的世界攀岩大赛的参赛资格, 9月9日至12日,本恩在67名抱石选手中获得第20名,索尼娅在34名速度选手中获得第17名.

2023-24 Achievements

  • Women's club soccer qualified for the Region V Soccer Regional Tournament.
  • Men's club soccer qualified for the Region V Soccer Regional Tournament.
  • 男子足球以公开投标的方式参加了全国足球锦标赛.
  • 马克·赖斯被选为全国足球锦标赛全队成员在NIRSA足球全国锦标赛.
  • 新生Senya urborn被全国大学橄榄球协会评为全美第一年.
  • 祝贺获得普莱西德湖全国赛资格的北欧滑雪队队员:梅·兰姆, 玛丽Reinbold, 伊萨克拉森, 埃米特舒曼, Felix战斗, 奥利Beland, and Tennyson Stinson.
  • 天顶, women's Ultimate Frisbee, defeated Trinity University, 13-4, to earn the single bid to Nationals out of the South Central Region. 
  • Six members of the climbing club qualified for Nationals: Conor Wellman, Sonia Guiterrez, Benn惠勒, 依奇卡尼, 挪亚惠勒, and Melanie Robertson.
  • 本·惠勒和索尼娅·古特雷斯获得了将在斯洛文尼亚举行的世界攀岩锦标赛的参赛资格, 9月9日至12日,本恩在67名抱石选手中获得第20名,索尼娅在34名速度选手中获得第17名.
  • 这是该项目历史上第一次,该棒球俱乐部获得了地区赛的参赛资格.
  • 大二学生威尔·迈尔斯(Will Myers)获得了大学生自行车全国赛男子a组车手的资格,并参加了计时赛, 公路赛, and criterium in Albuquerque, NM.

2022-2023 Achievements

  • 在RMCSL甲级联赛的第一个赛季,男子足球队以1-2-4的战绩结束了比赛.
  • 男子足球参加了在德克萨斯州奥斯汀市公开投标的NIRSA足球全国锦标赛.
  • Lincoln Grench, men's ultimate, and Mary Andrews, women's ultimate, 在世界羽联U24世锦赛之前,他们都被邀请参加了U24国家队的选拔赛.
  • 男子冰球参加了美国俱乐部冰球协会(ACHA)第三组比赛,以9胜6负的成绩结束比赛,在全国排名第53位. 
  • Six members of the nordi skiing qualified for National in Mammoth, CA. 预选赛选手有林心如、梅·兰姆、伊萨克·拉尔森、埃米特·舒曼、尼古拉斯·霍克和菲利克斯·巴特尔. 
  • 伽利略·弗里斯,马术队的一名成员,有资格参加加州帕洛阿尔托的赛区. Leo finished in 7th place.
  • Four members of the climbing club qualified for Nationals: First-year, Mel Robertson; Sophomores, Conor Wellman and India Adams; and, 高级, Ben Blackmore. 全国赛在科罗拉多斯普林斯的斯普林斯攀岩中心举行,队伍在攀爬比赛中获得第五名.
  • The women's ultimate frisbee team, 天顶, won Regionals by beating Trinity 8-7 to end the tournament 4-0. This qualified them for Nationals in Columbus, OH, where they earned a very respectable 5th place finish.
  • 男子极限飞盘队Wasabi以3比0的战绩赢得了他们的分区锦标赛. This qualified them for Regional in Tulsa, OK, where they finished in first place which qualified them for Nationals. 在国民, 他们在冠军赛中以15比11击败了米德尔伯里大学,赢得了他们的第一个全国冠军! 

2021-2022 Achievements

  • 男子足球保持不败,在RMCSL B组排名第一. They will move up to the A Division for the 2022-23 season.  
  • 男子足球参加了在福利,AL公开投标的NIRSA足球全国锦标赛.
  • 男人和女人的终极飞盘在他们各自的区域比赛中竞争. The men played in Tulsa, OK, and the women in Austin, TX.
  • Men's Ultimate qualified for Nationals in Norco, CA.
  • Wasabi member, Lincoln Grench, 被评为年度最佳突破球员的第二名,并获得全美国第二阵容的荣誉.
  • 俱乐部的四名成员获得了在纽约州普莱西德湖举行的全国赛的参赛资格., Nicholas Hoch, May Lamb, Ruby Lamb, and 伊萨克拉森. 
  • 男子终极队在地区比赛中取得了第一名,这为他们赢得了在威斯康星州密尔沃基举行的全国赛的席位.
  • Four members of the climbing club qualified for Nationals (挪亚惠勒, Ben Blackmore, 曼尼Kahne, and Conor Wellman). 诺亚和本登上了领奖台,随后被邀请参加6月在奥地利举行的世界大学生运动攀岩锦标赛, 2022. Ben went on to finish 11th at Worlds!

2018-2019 Achievements

  • 马术选手安娜·朗参加了在纽约州游乐场举行的全国马术比赛.
  • 女子橄榄球(杀手)在匹兹堡全国小型大学橄榄球组织(NSCRO)全国比赛中获得第14名, PA.
  • 男子和女子极限飞盘比赛在塔尔萨,OK地区锦标赛.
  • 男子足球队在他们的第一个赛季参加了在阿拉巴马州福利举行的全国公开赛.
  • Nordic Ski had 4 individuals qualify for Nationals. 在他们的历史上,他们第一次参加了这是一个艰难的壮举. 他们带着6名队员(2名没有资格的队员参加接力赛)参加了杰克逊霍尔的全国赛, WY.
  • 在climb的首个赛季,他们有七名成员有资格参加在田纳西州纳什维尔举行的全国赛. For the five that attended, Rin Gentry finished 4th of 106 in female sport climbing, Claire Bresnan finished 14th of 155 in female bouldering, Zachary Levy finished 32nd of 222 in male bouldering, Emily Barga finished 55th of 155 in female bouldering, and Adriana Aboitiz finished 69th of 155 in female bouldering. The team overall placed 18th of 94 teams.

2017-2018 Achievements

  • 该计划将攀岩和男子足球列为该计划中的新俱乐部.
  • Hayley Bates represented CC at Mountian Biking Nationals in Missoula, Mt, and Road Bike Nationals in Grand Junction, CO.
  • Nordic Ski had five individuals qualify for Nationals.
  • Women's Rugby attended NSCRO Nationals in Pittsburgh, PA. Women's Rugby member, Nora Holmes, was named an NSCRO All-American.
  • Climbing sent seven representatives to Nationals in Houston, TX.
  • 为了回应一名学生写信给学院院长,要求对该项目给予更多认可, Autrey Field was resurfaced.

2016-2017 Achievements

  • 该计划向员工介绍了一名指定的俱乐部体育教练.
  • 在科罗拉多州大枢纽举办的公路全国自行车赛有两场预选赛. Where Hayley Bates made it to the podium with a fifth-place finish.
  • Nordic Ski had four individuals qualify for Nationals.
  • Women's Rugby took 4th at NSCRO Nationals in Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Men's Ultimate Frisbee attended the National Tournament in Lexington, KY.
  • Women's Ultimate finished 3rd in the South Central Regional.
Report an issue - 最后更新: 09/17/2024


2024 Physical Flyer

Director of Campus Rec & Fitness Center

Campus Rec Athletic Trainer

Assistant Director - Fitness Center